Understand How a Student Benefits From Open Education Resources. 

While there are undoubtedly many who see education and knowledge only as a commodity to be sold at the highest price, there are others who say that education should be a right, not a privilege and that knowledge should be available. There are so many nuances in each part of the argument that it will probably take decades, if not more, to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties. However, some have taken the initiative to provide free knowledge to all in open educational resources.

What are open learning resources?

The concept behind open educational resources or available educational resources is simply for educators to share educational materials on as many topics as possible so that students can easily and freely access them. So far, more and more educational institutions worldwide are creating their open educational resources, reusing those produced by others.

Many believe that these resources should be seen as the beginning of a new, fair, and accessible education era. However, some claim that it is a move that will prove unfavorable in the long run, perhaps not for students but for those who produce the material. The staff has a cost to produce materials, and open educational resources must be launched online or placed in specially designed warehouses. There is a continuing cost to supporting the available education movement.

Although I am not qualified to give an expert opinion, I can share a student’s perspective on this issue, which must be of great value. After all, open education resources are prepared primarily for student consumption.


The advantages of open education resources for students

Open learning resources offer several benefits to students and informal learners who may choose to use them. They provide access to high-quality educational materials to help them in their studies. This may be because the student finds them open on the internet or because teachers, professors, and lecturers themselves recommend the resources. Alternatively, the help can be used by an average learner who is curious about a topic and wants to understand more.

Open educational resources are provided online and provide an accessible educational solution for anyone with an Internet connection, whether using a computer or a mobile device.

Many institutions publish open educational resources that make up complete courses, such as video recordings of lectures, accompanying lecture notes, and tests to test the subject’s understanding. This makes access to learning much easier for those on a minimal budget, like me. If further developed, the whole concept of open education could lead to a more innovative, better-educated society, which would benefit everyone.