Pipe Fittings: What Is It And What Are They For?

Pipe Fittings

‘Male’ and ‘female’ fittings are the two forms used in plumbing and pipefitting. With these forms, you can do Slip-Fit (sleeves) and Threading. These two work well in a variety of plumbing applications to ensure that your system is working perfectly fine with no leaks.

Types of Pipe Fittings

There’s quite a good number of pipe fittings out there and all of them have a specific application. To find the right fitting for your pipes, here are the most commonly used ones.

  • For a female or male pipe with plain or have no special ends to be threaded, you need an adaptor. Adaptors are commonly used for copper and PVC pipes.
  • They are used to fit larger and smaller pieces together. They can also be inside-out threads that are used for the same purpose.
  • This is used to prevent pipe leakage or pipes with a damaged split. You can choose from regular or compression couplings or slip-couplings.
  • This helps change the direction of flow between two pipes. They come in a variety of materials and are often made of female threads.
  • These are used to connect valves, flanges, pipes, and other sections for a well-running system to work.
  • These are also used to connect pipes usually those made of different materials. It looks like a tiny nut. As a multi-use fitting, the union can be removed anytime.
  • This is used to stop or regulate the flow of either liquid or gas. There are different types of valves but the separation, throttling, and non-return types are the most commonly used.

Stainless Steel Fittings

Looking to buy Stainless Steel Fittings? Go ahead and visit ANIX online. This is the leading company in importing and distributing various types of valves and fittings since 1988. They supply to customers from all across the globe including the United States, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, China, and more.